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Special Education

Thank you for your interest in Pacific Coast Academy! As a public charter school, we offer various services and support for students to access their IEPs. What makes our setting unique is that parents get to be responsible for providing instruction and support to their children, including being able to help their children work towards their IEP goals and services.

In our non-classroom-based, independent-study setting, parents act as Learning Coaches (LC) and are the primary facilitators of their children's education. Our education specialists and related service providers will support you with this and provide direct support and instruction to students when necessary. We love partnering with our parents!

If you are a prospective parent and have questions about Special Education, please complete our inquiry form and we will reach out to you shortly. Current and prospective parents may also wish to view the FAQ section of this website for additional information.

Additionally, you may call our secure voicemail line to leave a message: 619-215-0704; Press 6 for Special Education. You can contact us via email: