Can my young child enroll in Transitional Kindergarten? New TK cut-off date for the 2024-2025 school year. Based on the language in AB130 section 48000- (D), In the 2024–25 school year, a child who will have their fifth birthday between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025, shall be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program maintained by the school district or charter school. |
What is the Kindergarten enrollment policy Students entering Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024. |
Are vaccinations required? Being vaccinated or fully vaccinated is not a requirement to enroll in an independent study school. However, because we are a public school, we are still required to collect vaccination records for those who do have a record. |
How are teachers assigned? Can we choose our teacher? Teachers are assigned based on the location of the student enrolling. We try to place families with the closest available teacher. Families are free to request a specific teacher as well. Families can also request a teacher with specifications (bilingual, has worked with students with disabilities, has knowledge of a learning/ teaching style). Although we try our best to accommodate a family’s request, it is not always possible. |
How do planning amounts work? What costs can they be used for? The planning amounts families receive are public funds. These funds can be used to cover the costs of curriculum, approved vendor classes, and school-related items. Technology costs for the student(s) can be covered as well. |
How can I find out what information I am missing on the enrollment application? The fastest way to find out what information is missing is to go onto your REG Online application portal. Our Enrollment Specialists will also be emailing families with a list of missing items. Families may also call the enrollment department to speak with an Enrollment Specialist regarding their application. |
Who can I speak to regarding my questions about curriculum? Your teacher will help you with this. There will be time at the start of school to order a curriculum for your student(s). We also have a lending library where the curriculum can be borrowed. Additionally, you can reach out to PCA's Family Liaisons for curriculum questions: |
Can I enroll my student into a higher grade level? Grade level is determined 2 ways. The state enrollment record is verified and the student enrolled in the next level or we will refer to our Grade Level Placement Chart according to birthdate. We can not advance or retain a student upon enrollment. To see our grade-level placement chart, click here. |
Am I able to retain (hold back) my student when enrolling into the school? Students can only be retained if their prior school has recommended it. If you feel that your student will not be able to handle the upcoming school year, you can always bring up your concerns to your teacher. |
Can my student(s) attend this school and another public or private school? Students are not allowed to be dual enrolled in two schools; whether it is another public school or a private school. High school students, however, may sign up to take classes at their local community college. Families may discuss this path with their teacher or the counselor. |
How will my high school student’s schedule be set up? What support will my student receive in order to pick their classes? Your teacher will use the Transcript provided during registration to work with you to determine a high school graduation plan for your student. |
I missed the deadline for open enrollment. Can I still sign up? Yes! Interested families can submit a waitlist form for their students. Once students who submitted an open enrollment form are offered spots, we will begin to offer waitlisted families spots on a first-come, first-served basis. |
Who can I speak to regarding my student’s 504 plan/ how are those services provided? Your assigned teacher will help you with your student's 504 accommodation plan. They will also assist you with establishing a plan if one is needed. |
Who can I speak to regarding my SPED student? Getting an IEP? How are SPED services provided? SPED services are provided virtually. If you are a prospective parent and have questions about Special Education, please complete our inquiry form and we will reach out to your shortly. |