Special Education Local Plan Area
In California, every local education agency (LEA) is required to belong to a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). The SELPA is a consortia of LEAs responsible for the development of special education policies and procedures, distribution of federal and state special education funds, and providing a range of professional development pertaining to special education. With this support, the charter SELPA’s partners continue to demonstrate the capacity to provide high-quality special education programs to their students.
Pacific Coast Academy belongs to the El Dorado County Charter SELPA, which provides a cooperative model designed to ensure special education programs are available for all students with disabilities.
Please contact the SELPA for further assistance and information - charterselpa.org/governance
El Dorado County Charter SELPA Governance
Please find the Notices for Public Hearing for the 2023-24 El Dorado Charter SELPA Annual Budget and Service Plans. The public hearing will take place at the CEO Council Meeting on May 25, 2023.
AB 1466 requires local educational agencies (LEAs) to annually collect data, post it to their website, and report to the California Department of Education (CDE) specific information about the use of behavioral restraints and seclusion in schools. California Education Code section 49006 requires that no later than three months after the end of a school year, LEAs must submit a report to CDE that includes:
1. The number of students subjected to mechanical restraint
2. The number of students subjected to physical restraint
3. The number of students subjected to seclusion
4. The number of times mechanical restraint was used on students
5. The number of times physical restraint was used on students
6. The number of times seclusion was used on students
The following data was reported to CDE.
1. 0
2. 0
3. 0
4. 0
5. 0
6. 0